Monday 2 May 2011

Twitter & The Scottish Election

Here’s a video about trying to use twitter to engage with MSP candidates & how it can be used to assess MSP candidates communications.
What this shows is that Twitter is still an emerging medium and its application in PR and communication is still being tested. It is useful in evaluating responses to communication efforts especially for live & TV events.


  1. Nice video! Twitter is definitely popular among young people,and female likes to use Twitter more than male. And middle aged and elder man tend to be more interested in the Scottish Election than young people. Therefore, middle aged and the elders might not be frequent twitter users. I guess that's the reason there's little response?

  2. I can see your point,but dont you think that it could be used to engaged with people that arent usually interested in polictics. Especailly as there is such low voter turn out these day polictains really need to use knew ways to communicate with the elecrorate and twitter might be a way?
